Sunday, 28 April 2019

Sunday, 21 April 2019



In a remote part of Ohio, United States, there is a place called Morrow.

One day, at a London train station, a traveler said to the booking-clerk, “I want a ticket to Morrow, please.” The clerk raised his eyebrows, saying, “If you want a ticket tomorrow, why don’t you come for it tomorrow?.”

“But I want a ticket to Morrow today,” the traveler replied. “I told you,” the clerk said, “You can’t have a ticket tomorrow today, you’ll have to come tomorrow for it.”

By this time the traveler was getting more and more annoyed and finally lost his temper and yelled, “Can’t you understand what I mean? I want a ticket to a place called Morrow and I want it now!”

Finally understanding what the traveler really wanted, the clerk said quite calmly, “Why didn’t you say so in the first place? Here is your ticket.”

Vocabulary List:
remote: terpencil
called: dinamai
traveler: wisatawan
booking-clerk: pegawai loket
raised: menaikkan
have to: harus
getting more and more annoyed: menjadi semakin jengkel
finally: akhirnya
lost his temper: hilang kesabaran
yelled: berteriak
mean: maksudakan
place: tempat
really: sebenarnya
quite: betul-betul
calmly: (dengan) tengang
in the end: akhirnya, alhasil
populated area: daerah padat penduduk
repeat: mengulangi
request: permintaan
several times: beberapa kali
gesture: isyarat, mimik
express: menyatakan, mengungkapkan
anger: kemarahan

Answer the Questions

  1. What did the traveler want?
  2. Where does the story take place?
  3. Why did the traveler become annoyed?
  4. How did he speak when he lost his temper?
  5. How did the clerk speak when he finally understood what the traveler want?
  6. What is the "Morrow" of the story?
  7. a. Have you ever traveled by train?
    b. Where and when?
  8. a. Do you like travelling by train?
    b. Why?



Have you ever wondered how people get chocolate from? In this article we'll enter the amazing world of chocolate so you can understand exactly what you're eating.

Chocolate starts with a tree called the cacao tree. This tree grows in equatorial regions, especially in places such as South America, Africa, and Indonesia. The cacao tree produces a fruit about the size of a small pine apple. Inside the fruit are the tree's seeds, also known as cocoa beans.

The beans are fermented for about a week, dried in the sun and then shipped to the chocolate maker. The chocolate maker starts by roasting the beans to bring out the flavour. Different beans from different places have different qualities and flavor, so they are often sorted and blended to produce a distinctive mix. Next, the roasted beans are winnowed. Winnowing removes the meat nib of the cacao bean from its shell. Then, the nibs are blended. The blended nibs are ground to make it a liquid. The liquid is called chocolate liquor. It tastes bitter. All seeds contain some amount of fat, and cacao beans are not different. However, cacao beans are half fat, which is why the ground nibs form liquid. It's pure bitter chocolate.

1. What is the Indonesian equivalen of word “ pure bitter?

2. The cacao tree growth in?

3. The first way to make chocolate is ?

4. What is the meaning of winnowing ?

5. , cacao beans are half fat, which is why?

6. The beans of cacao was fermented for about?

7. What is the text tell us about…

8. The third paragraph tell us about ...

9. Different beans from different places have different qualities and flavor, so they are

10. How does the chocolate maker start to make chocolate?



In a remote part of Ohio, United States, there is a place called Morrow.

One day, at a London train station, a traveler said to the booking-clerk, “I want a ticket to Morrow, please.” The clerk raised his eyebrows, saying, “If you want a ticket tomorrow, why don’t you come for it tomorrow?.”

“But I want a ticket to Morrow today,” the traveler replied. “I told you,” the clerk said, “You can’t have a ticket tomorrow today, you’ll have to come tomorrow for it.”

By this time the traveler was getting more and more annoyed and finally lost his temper and yelled, “Can’t you understand what I mean? I want a ticket to a place called Morrow and I want it now!”

Finally understanding what the traveler really wanted, the clerk said quite calmly, “Why didn’t you say so in the first place? Here is your ticket.”

Vocabulary List:

Answer the Questions

  1. What did the traveler want?
  2. Where does the story take place?
  3. Why did the traveler become annoyed?
  4. How did he speak when he lost his temper?
  5. How did the clerk speak when he finally understood what the traveler want?
  6. What is the "Morrow" of the story?
  7. a. Have you ever traveled by train?
    b. Where and when?
  8. a. Do you like travelling by train?
    b. Why?
  9. Mention and explain the general structure of the text!
  10. Who is the main character of the story?

Saturday, 13 April 2019


Soal Responsi kelas 11 bab Reproduksi

1.       Tujuan utama mahluk hidu bereproduksi adalah . . .
2.       Sebutkan 3 bagian alat reproduksi pria beserta fungsinya!
3.       Sebutkan 3 bagian alat reproduksi wanita beserta fungsinya!
4.       Sebutkan 4 cara penularan HIV AIDS!
5.       Tuliskan ayat Al Quran yang berkaitan dengan proses penciptaan manusia dan analisis kebenaran ayat tersebut!


Soal Responsi Kelas 10 bab Ekosistem

1.       Apakah yang dimaksud dengan ekosistem?
2.       Apakah yang dimaksud dengan komponen Biotik dan abiotic?
3.       Pada siklus nitrogen, keberadaan bakteri yang berperan dalam proses denitrifikasi adalah bakteri . . .
4.       Menurut Anda, apakah kerusakan lingkungan berpengaruh terhadap kehidupan manusia di Bumi?jelaskan dengan teori biologi yang terkait dengan pendapat Anda!
5.       Tuliskan ayat Al Quran yang berkaitan dengan kewajiban manusia menjaga lingkungan hidup dan analisis kebenaran ayat tersebut!

Monday, 8 April 2019





1.       Terdapat sebuah taman yang indah di tengah kota yang berbentuk segitiga sembarang. Taman tersebut sangat bagus jika digunakan untuk bermuhasabah atau dijadikan tempat mentoring bagi para remaja yang menggemari tempat terbuka untuk menimba ilmu. Jika sudut apit taman tersebut sebesar 45o dan panjang dua sisi yang mengapitnya masing – masing 28m dan 36m, luas taman tersebut adalah ….

2.       Seorang pengamat melihat puncak pohon dengan sudut elevasi 25o. Pada puncak pohon, pengamat tersebut melihat induk burung yang sedang memberi makan anak – anaknya. Pengamat  tersebut tertegun, sungguh Allah SWT telah mengatur rizki setiap ciptaannya. Jika jarak antara pengamat dan pohon adalah 60 meter, maka tinggi  pohon tersebut adalah ….

3.       Pilot pesawat yang sedang terbang dengan ketinggian 850 kaki, takjub melihat luasnya lautan yang diciptakan Allah SWT. Ditengah lautan, pilot tersebut melihat sebuah kapal pesiar yang sedang berlayar. Apabila sudut depresi pilot terhadap kapal sebesar 30o. Maka jarak pandang langsung pilot terhadap kapal adalah ….

4.       Pak Sabil menabung uang di suatu bank sebesar Rp 50.000.000,00 dengan bunga majemuk 10% per tahun. Jumlah tabungan Pak Sabil setelah 5 tahun adalah sekian rupiah. Karena pak Sabil ingin menghindari riba, maka bunga yang diterimanya ia sedekahkan untuk pembangunan masjid didekat rumahnya. Selain itu pak Sabil juga ingin bersedekah dari uang tabungannya yang selama ini ia tabung sebanyak 20%. Maka jumlah sedekah yang dikeluarkan pak Sabil adalah ….