Friday 27 September 2013



TANGGAL                           : TGL 27 September 2013
KELAS/SEMESTER              : X / I
PELAJARAN                       :Bahasa Inggris

1. Made this sentence into English! 
   a. Apakah Bima sedang bermain bola?  
   b. Bunga Teratai hidup di air.
   c. Apakah kamu kenal dengan orang itu?
   d. Saya menyiram bunga anggrek di taman.
   e. Raka tidak membeli pulpen biru.

2. Fill in the blank with correct personal pronouns!
   a. Do you see my pen? I put ____ here just now.
   b. Alex and Alan are good in speaking English. ____ always practice it everyday.
   c. I need scissors to cut the paper. Can you find ____ for me, please?
   d. I can’t help you, Andy. You’ll have to solve your problem by _____.
   e. I like Grace’s hair. ____ hair is long, curly and black.

3. Fill in the blank with right answer!
   a. The earth  _____ (go) around the sun.
   b. My father and I often _____ (watch) soccer match at the stadium.
   c. Students generally _____ (hate) homework .
   d. We  _____ (visit) our grandparents on vacation.
   e. Melisa  _____ (have) two brothers and one sister.

4. Fill in the blanks with Can or Could!
   a. I ...  swim when I was 5 years old.
   b. Toni ... speak 7 languages.
   c. Anita ... play tennis.
   d. ... he play guitar?
   e. please, ... you close the window?

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