Sunday 6 November 2016



The museum of Technology is a hands on museum, designed for people to experience science at work. Visitors are encouraged to use, test, and handle the objects on display. Special demonstrations are scheduled for first  and second. Wednesday at each month at 13.30. Open Tuesday – Friday 12.00 – 16.30, Saturday 10.00 – 17.30, and Sunday 11.00 – 16.30.
1.     There are the following things the visitors can do, except ….
a.      To use the objects on display.
b.     To test the objects on display
c.      To special demonstration
d.     To create their own objects on display
e.     To special demonstration
2.     When can the visitor is the museum on Thursday?
a.      At 13.30-17.30
b.     At 13.30
c.      At 10.00-17.30
d.     At 12.00-1630
e.     At 11.00-13.30
3.     Why was the museum of technology built?
a.      To give amusement
b.     To show the development of art
c.      To experience science at work
d.     To control the man’s behavior
e.     To handle the objects on display
4.     When can the visitors see the special demonstration?
a.      Everyday
b.     Every weekend
c.      Every Sunday
d.     The first and second Wednesday
e.     At 12.00-16.30
5.     These are the days that visitors can go to the museum, except ….
a.     Tuesday
b.     Friday
c.     Sunday
d.     Monday
e.     Everyday
6.     Barney could not pay his scholl fee because his father was unemployed, “his rich uncle … him with his scholl fee”
a.     May support
b.     Will have supported
c.     Would rather support
d.     Should have supported
e.     Might supported
7.     Ariana : “did someone throw those old letters away?
Sarah   : “yes, but it was a mistake. They … throw away.
a.      Shouldn’t have been
b.     Are not going to be
c.      Have not been
d.     Wouldn’t be
e.     Will been
8.     There was so much noise next door. Our neighbor … from their vacation abroad
a.      May come back
b.     Would have come back
c.      Is supposed to came back
d.     Must have come back
e.     Might came back
9.     “Larissa hast just missed the plane to medan”
“ She ... at the airport at last two hour before departure”
a.      Was
b.     Should been
c.      Should Have been
d.     Has to be
e.     Had been
10. “Would you like to have dinner with us this evening?”
“No, Thank you. I ... finish report for tomorrow”
a.      Must
b.     Will
c.      May
d.     Might
e.     Could
11. Before construction of panama canal, ship …. arround of south America to get the pacific Ocean.
a.      Should have traveled
b.     Must have traveled
c.      Had to traveled
d.     Have traveled
e.     Has been traveled
12. Mother  : “what are you doing, Toni?”
Arya       : “I’m studying Father”
Mother  : Oh, I see you……
a.      Had better trun on the television
b.     Would rather trun on the television
c.      Had better trun off the television
d.     Would rather put off the television
e.     Should been turn on the television
13. Bob : Reynold, is late again
Sam : He is never on time, I think he …
a.      Could have woken
b.     Ought to wake
c.      Should have woken
d.     Would have woken
e.     Should woken up
14. Bimo : “Ryan, that is the most popular book”
Ryan : ”Oh ya, it must have been written by a distinguished professor”
From the dialogue we know that Ryan is sure that a distinguished professor … that book.
a.     Wrote
b.     Would write
c.     Should write
d.     Wanted to write
e.     Could wrote
15. Alfred visited some countries in asia, Europe, & America. He bought luxurious thing for his wife & children. He …. a lot of money.
a.      Could have
b.     Would have
c.      Ought have
d.     Must have had

e.     Shouls been have

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