Friday 17 February 2017


17 FEBRUARI 2017

Soal Responsi Concord !

1. Either my brother … my sister wants to travel around the world.
a. Nor
b. Or
c. Neither
d. And
e. With
2. What Arya said to me … me realize that I am wrong.
a. Make
b. Makes
c. Making
d. Made
e. Maked 
3. Rendy finds a way how to answer these mathematics questions ….
a. Simple and easy
b. Simples and easily
c. Simple and easily
d. Simply and easy
e. Simply and easily
4. It was a miracle that neither the passengers nor the driver … seriously injured in the accident.
a. they were
b. to be
c. was
d. were
e. he was
5. The local radio newspapers as well as newspapers … that riots have spread to other places in the city.
a. to be confirmed
b. is confirmed
c. confirm
d. are confirmed
e. confirms
6. At the beginning of this semester, each of the students … given a new time- table.
a. he is
b. they are
c. are
d. is
e. be
7. Some professors start … experiment about herb medicine.
a. They
b. Her
c. His
d. Our
e. Their
8. My sister has just finished renovating her house. Then, she intends to install ….   in that house.
a. A system new security
b. A new system security
c. A new security system
d. A security new system
e. A new security sistem
9. Everybody … a chance to apply the scholarship in the foreign countries.
a. Gets
b. Getting
c. Get
d. Got
e. Have got
10. Some of the shops I wanted to see … no longer in the city.
a. is
b. are
c. have
d. were
e. was
11. Feng Shui is a system of laws considered to govern spatial arrangement and … the flow of energy, and whose favorable or unfavorable effects are taken into account when sitting and designing buildings.
a. orientation in its relation of
b. orientation to the relationship of
c. orientation relating to
d. orientation in relation to
e. orientation in related to
12. The police … investigating the crime.
a. is
b. are
c. to be
d. was
e. were
13. A number of students ..... complaining about the test.
a. is
b. are
c. be
d. being
e. been
14. "The hotel is suffering a great lost."
"Yes, only ten percent of their rooms ....."
a. being occupied
b. have occupied
c. is occupied
d. are occupied
e. they are occupied
15. "Have you checked where most of the seminar participants come from?".
"Oh yes, two-thirds of them .... from various parts of Java".
a. are comming
b. comes
c. they come
d. to come
e. come

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