Saturday, 30 April 2016

Responsi kls X

Responsi Bahasa Inggris
Kelas X
29 April 2016

1.      What kind of texts belong to recount?
2.      What are the characteristic of recount text?
3.      Write a recount text in a brief about news on TV !
4.      What is the social function of these text?
-          Descriptive
-          Announcement
-          Recount
5.      Why does the descriptive text use simple present tense?
6.      What are the characteristics of announcement?
7.      Make an announcement text about a competition will be held in your school!
8.      What is the social function of narrative text?
9.      Why do narrative texts use simple past tense?
10.  Mention the general structures of a narrative text! Explain!

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