Saturday 11 January 2014



1. What is the diffrent between first conditional and second conditional? Write two!

2. mix and match!!
    a. If I knew his number
    b. She would do it
    c. I wouldn't do it
    d. If we lived in the country
    e. If there were less cars on the road
    f. If I had more spare time
   g. If the weather were good
   h. If we had enough money
    i. You would get better result
    j. You would meet more people

    1. I would join the sport club
    2. If you went out more often
    3. We would need a second car
    4. I would give him a car
    5. There would be less pollution
    6. If she could
    7. If you work harder for your exams
    8. If I were you
    9. We could go to the beach
   10. We would travel more often

3. Fill in the blank!
    a. If he were young man, he ... (be) able to walk faster
    b. If I ... (have) a penny for every can of soda I've drunk in my life, I would be rich.
    c. We don't mind camping, but if we ... (have) enough money, we ... (stay) in a hotel.

4. Write 10 fashion that you wear such as clotch, accecories and feet!

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