Friday 4 August 2017


( 7 Agustus 2017)

Read the following text, then, answer the questions!

A tornado is a powerful, twisting wind storm. It is one of the most destructive storms on earth. A tornado is also called a watersprout.
A tornado is a long cloud which comes down from the sky. It is shaped like a funnel and consists of wind which whirls around and around extremely fast. In fact, the wind can reach a speedof more than 900 km per hour.
Most tornadoes form a long a front (boundary) between cool, dry air and warm, humid air. Weather scientists are unable to know exactly when tornados will occur. Fortunately, the tornado is not usually very big and it does not last long.

1.        The type of the text above is called a ....
2.        The generic structure of the text consist of .... and ....
3.        The function of this text is to ....
4.        What tense is mostly used in the text ?
5.        What is the focus participant of the text ?
6.        Is there a temporal sequence (sequence of order) ?
7.        Weather scientists are unable to know exactly when tornados will occur.
The Undelined word has same meaning with ....
8.        Find some sentences in the text that use relating verbs.
e.g : A tornado is a powerful, twisting windstorm.
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9.        Underline the behavioral verbs in the text above!
10.    REARRANGE the jumbled paragraphs into a good and meaningful text. Then put it into the chart!

A common windmill consits of a high steel tower on top of which revolves an air motor. The parts of the air motor are fixed onto the wind shaft and are automatically held into the wind or furled acccording to whether water should be pumped or if the mill needs to be protected from the severity of the wind.
An ordinary 8-foot windwheel develops less than 1/10 horsepower.
A windmill is a machinefor converting wind energy into mechanical energy.
A windmill is used for grinding grain, pumping water for irrigation and in the past few years for generating electicity.

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