Saturday 8 October 2016



10 Oktober 2016


People merupakan bentuk noun atau kata benda dalam bahasa inggris, noun memiliki arti orang dalam bentuk jamak yaitu lebih dari satu orang.
People mengarah pada kelompok orang (groups of human beings) atau orang-orang secara umum (humans in general) dan digunakan dimayoritas teks biasa (ordinary text)

Contoh kalimat :
- I see many people in the mall (aku melihat banyak orang di mall)
- Do you need many people arround you? (apakah kamu membutuhkan banyak orang disekitar mu?)
- we should be kind to many people (kita harus baik pada banyak orang)


Person merupakan bentuk noun atau kata benda dalam bahasa inggris, person memiliki arti orang namun yang dimaksud adalah orang dalam bentuk tunggal.
person merupakan kata yang sangat formal dan saat ini penggunaannya cenderung dibatasi pada formal.

Contoh kalimat :
- My mom is a person that I love (ibuku adalah orag yang aku sayangi)
- I know so well that person (aku sangat tau orang itu)
- who is a person who call you? (siapa orang yang menelepon mu?)

Jawab pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan People atau Person!
1. I can't say sorry to a ... that hurt me.
2. Some ... don't think twice before they criticize someone else.
3. The verdict was murder by a person or ... unknown.
4. My mom knows many ... in this office
5. ... tend to be right-handed.
6. How many ... have been injured in the accident?
7. a ... that you like is my friend
8. These are ... who have a legal disability.
9. They know a ... that I love
10. Autistic ... can be creative.
11. Do you know how many ... come in this party?
12. I met all kinds of ... on the party.
13. No unauthorized ... allowed beyond this point.
14. I see many ... look for some vegetables in the market
15. I know the ... that you hate so much
16. How many ... in this room?
17. I can’t remember all ... in this event
18. My mom is one of the ... that I love so much
19. Many ... in this canteen and I will count them
20. Never call a ... that hate you
21. My father love every ... in this world
22. They remember a ... that find the missing girl

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